The Grosse Pointe South High School Symphony Orchestra is comprised of motivated and talented student musicians. The ensemble performs literature from the standard repertoire. For the past ten years, the Symphony Orchestra has earned Division I ratings at MSBOA District XVI and State Orchestra Festival. An audition-only ensemble, the Symphony Orchestra performs regularly throughout the school year at concerts such as Pops & Pastries, String Extravaganza, MSBOA Orchestra Festival, and our annual Spring Concert. Recent performances outside of school have included a 2015 concert at the Mozarteum Concert Hall in Salzburg, Austria and a 2013 performance at the Anaheim (CA) Heritage Festival of Music where the orchestra won "Best Overall". Other recent concerts have included performances at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, Riverside Church in NYC, and London's Royal Academy of Music. Members of the Symphony Orchestra also participate in our school's Chamber Orchestra, Pit Orchestra, Jazz Band, Marching Band, and participate in the school's Tri-M musical fraternity. Symphony Orchestra meets 1st hour every day.
Pops & Pastries
MSBOA State Orchestra Festival (if qualified)
Check out the Symphony Orchestra performing Jean Sibelius' Symphony No. 2 - Performance Date 5/21/2024